The Impact of Talent Management Strategies on Organizational Ingenuity: An Empirical Research in Some Colleges of the University of Baghdad


  • Amal Mohammed Radhi Department of Public Administration ,College of Administration and Economics, University of Baghdad,Iraq
  • Adel Abd Al Wadud Al-Abbasi Department of Public Administration, College of Administration and Economic, University of Baghdad,Iraq



Talent Management Strategies , Organizational Ingenuity.


The main object of this research is to test the effect of talent management strategies on organizational ingenuity in several colleges of the University of Baghdad (College of Physical Education for Girls, College of Physical Education and Physical Sciences, Main College of Fine Arts, and the sub-college of fine arts). The research problem is that there is a dearth of studies examining how talent management techniques affect organizational ingenuity. The research adopted the descriptive analytical approach to study the phenomenon thoroughly. The questionnaire was the main tool for collecting data and information. The research sample included heads of academic departments, administration directors, and divisional officials in the colleges under study, whose total number reached (95) participants out of a total of (120) directors. The data and information were analyzed, and hypotheses were tested by using appropriate statistical methods such as (arithmetic mean, standard deviation, coefficient of variation, and simple regression) through utilizing the statistical program (AMOSS) in analyzing the responses of the participants. The results of the research were significant because of the presence of an important correlation between talent management strategies and organizational ingenuity. Also, there was the need for specialized departments to manage talent through the processes of attraction, recruitment, development, and investment to enhance organizational ingenuity and enable its employees to manage and thus improve their level of performance.


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Managerial Researches

How to Cite

Radhi, A.M. and Al-Abbasi, A.A.A.W. (2024) “The Impact of Talent Management Strategies on Organizational Ingenuity: An Empirical Research in Some Colleges of the University of Baghdad”, Journal of Economics and Administrative Sciences, 30(144), pp. 86–98. doi:10.33095/jeas.v30i144.2884.

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