The Role of credit and Deposit Services in Enhancing the Market Value of Stocks (The Case of Baghdad Bank)
Purpose: Understanding and analyzing the role of certain banking operations in enhancing the value of the stocks of the banks included in the study sample, in addition to measuring the correlation between the research variables.
Conceptual framework : The research examined the study of banking operations and their role in enhancing the market value of shares in the Bank of Baghdad, and in light of the competition witnessed by Iraqi commercial banks, especially in light of the great similarity in the services allowed to be provided, in compliance with the Central Bank's instructions, and the decline in the value of banks’ shares, and that For a number of circumstances, it was necessary for banks to search for ways and means through which they could enhance the market value of their shares, within the permitted tools and capabilities available to them, and from this the research problem could be formulated: Is there a direct effect between banking operations (credit and bank deposits), And (the market value of the bank).
Design/methodology/approach : The research depends on the deductive (deductive) method, which is based on analysis to reach the results, by moving from the general principle to the specific principle, in addition to the inductive method based on theoretical foundations by employing a method Descriptive analysis using all data, parameters with the aim of measuring the effect of some banking operations (bank credit and bank deposits as an independent variable) in enhancing (market value as a dependent variable) of the shares of Baghdad Bank in Iraq.
A set of indicators, statistical methods, financial and statistical indicators will be used to analyze data, test hypotheses, and measure them using the statistical program (EViews-12 - Microsoft Excel).
Findings: The study produced a variety of findings, the most significant of which is that the hypothesis is legitimate because the standard results showed that there is a statistical relationship between the research variables.
Research, Practical & Social implications: The research contributes to clarifying the (relationship) between banking operations and the (market) value of the share, and its reflection on the economy.
Originality/value: The findings show that the quantity of publications pertaining to banking activities and their role in enhancing market value is increasing, and that the field of economics contributes the most, as the participating countries provided the largest number of publications.
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