Value added tax and its technical organization Lebanon Case Study
المعدل الضريبي, الوعاء الضريبي, الاعفاء الضريبي, Tax rate, The tax base, Tax exemption.Abstract
Value Added Tax (VAT) is one of the most important types of indirect taxes because of its advantages in achieving financial, economic and financial objectives. The introduction of VAT is part of the reform of the structure of the Lebanese public tax system aimed at reducing the fiscal deficit and resulting inflation, which still lacks a general consumption tax. There is also an urgent need to increase treasury revenues , Because of its broad tax base, as it imposes on the consumption of locally produced and imported goods, in addition to the role played by this tax in support of the local product
Therefore, this research focused on the definition and definition of value added tax and its financial, economic and social effects, as well as its strengths and weaknesses. The research, through its problem, emphasized the lack of studies that dealt with value added tax because of its global importance through its tax revenues To protect the local product and to deal with VAT in Lebanon to prove its hypothesis that the value of VAT is both financial and economic. Lebanon is also one of the developing countries to which Iraq belongs. It is possible, through the technical regulation of value added tax in Lebanon, Benefit from it when studying the possibility of applying this tax in Iraq.
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