The Economic Conditions of Living in the City of Mosul: Income and Labor Market during the Period 2004-2007
الاحوال الاقتصادية للمعيشة، الدخل الحقيقي والجاري، معدل النمو، التفاوت، سوق العمل., The Economic Conditions of Living, Real and Current Income, Growth Rate, Inequality, Labor Market.Abstract
This study cares for the economic living conditions in Mosul City. Its importance lies in the critical period that has been covered
(2002-2007), which was dominated by far–reaching events at political economic and social levels. Among the main results that have been revealed are the following: the rate of economic growth in the City has been the lowest among major urban centers in Iraq. Besides, real income per capita in the City has stayed stagnant during the period of the study. However, the inequality in distribution of income has decreased. The main bulk of the city's population rely on their income from wages and salaries, which makes the level of living in the city highly sensitive to unemployment rate. This rate has shown only a mild decrease during the period concerned.
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