The integration between target cost to value engineering green achieve competitive advantage
green target cost, value engineering, competitive advantage.Abstract
Recently, there has been a major trend towards environmental issues and concern for the green product because traditional products cause serious environmental impacts such as reduced resources, global warming, energy consumption, emissions and other environmental damage. Under these developments, economic units are looking for cost-effective technologies that reduce the cost of a green product that has four main dimensions: reducing energy, reducing resource consumption, preventing pollution, and using renewable energy while not compromising quality and satisfying customers in order to enhance competitive advantage.
This research will address one of the most important cost-effective green technologies, Green Target Cost, as a strategic input to cost management from the product design stage. This technology is used to reduce costs and achieve competitive advantage through integration with other technologies. Research Value engineering technology will be used as one of the methods of quality improvement and cost reduction through product functional analysis, identification of host activities of value and non-value activities as well as identification of activities that have environmental impacts and activities that It has no environmental impact and has been used as it aims to direct economic units to focus on customer needs and work towards achieving them. This research presents the knowledge bases of these inputs and their lessons in achieving competitive advantage. It will also explain the steps to be followed to achieve the green target cost. The research problem includes finding how to produce environmentally friendly products that support the competitive position of the economic units and help them increase their market share by providing environmentally friendly products of high quality. The main aim of the project is to find appropriate solutions to the problems experienced by the economic units through the use of modern technologies that are sensitive to environmental issues.
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