The Influence of the Industrial Buyer Behavior on channels of distribution
/ سلوك الشراء المنظمي- سلوك شراء الاعمال- سلوك الشراء الصناعي- قنوات التوزيع- المكان في التسويق., Organizational Buying Behavior (OBB)- Business Buying Behavior (BBB) or (3B)- I industrial Buying Behavior (IBB)- channels of distribution- place in marketing.Abstract
This study deals with the influence of the industrial buyer behavior in Channels of distribution. It concentrates on one section of management levels in the company. Which is that of administrative managers The research problem is attempt to study and analysis the influence of industrial buyer behavior in channels of distribution.. The aiming at achieving a number of applicable goals depending on one major hypotheses I set a questionnaire in collecting the data and information relating to the study، which was distributed to sample of ( 30) department manager heads of section states company . In order to process the data resorted to many statistical methods such as arithmetic means the standard deviation and the slope. The statistical methods have shown a number of results the most obvious of which may be presence of a moral influence industrial buyer behavior in channels of distribution. as to the discussion of the results the practical study emphasis on the attention required for both of the. Industrial buyer behavior in channels of distribution.
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