The impact of competency-based human resources management and the resource-based approach on creative performance by mediating the knowledge economy: An analytical research in the Central Bank of Iraq


  • Mohammed Flayyih Hamzah *
  • Ghani Dahham Tanai



Competency-Based Human Resources Management , The Resource-Based Approach , Creative Performance, Knowledge Economy


The research aims to clarify the effect of competency-based human resources management and the resource-based approach on creative performance through the mediating role of the knowledge economy. As a result of the pressures and challenges faced by the Central Bank, which requires efficient, distinguished and knowledgeable human resources, the researchers prompted the researchers to choose these variables through which to address some problems. Its importance is to help business organizations focus on intangible assets more than tangible assets. The research was launched from two main hypotheses to explore the relationships of influence by analyzing the answers of the research sample, which included (223) individuals working in the Central Bank of Iraq. Data and information were collected using a questionnaire, personal interviews, as well as field presence. The data were analyzed using the statistical program (SPSS_V.19) and a set of statistical methods such as factor analysis, the arithmetic mean, the standard deviation, the coefficient of variation, the correlation coefficient (person), and the multiple linear regression equation. The most prominent findings of the research are the contribution of human resources management based on competence and the resource-based approach to more interpretation of creative performance when there are intermediate dimensions such as innovation and the economic incentive system. The greater the independent variables when there is a knowledge economy, the higher the explanation ratio. It is clear that human resources in the Central Bank have the ability to continuously raise their creative performance as a result of competencies and the internal competitive advantage of human, financial and material resources.

Paper type: Research paper


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Managerial Researches

How to Cite

“The impact of competency-based human resources management and the resource-based approach on creative performance by mediating the knowledge economy: An analytical research in the Central Bank of Iraq” (2024) Journal of Economics and Administrative Sciences, 30(142), pp. 51–68. doi:10.33095/g3hvsk47.

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