The Role of Digital Marketing Tools in Marketing Literacy: An Exploratory Study from Some Customer's Perspective of Earthlink Internet Services Company
Digital marketing; Marketing literacy; Internet marketing; Social media marketing; Search engine marketing. JEL Classification: M1, M31, M37.Abstract
Purpose: This research discusses the nature of the relationship between digital marketing tools and marketing literacy.
Theoretical framework: The topic of marketing literacy is a modern marketing topic, (Rahmanto et al., 2023). Several researchers have reported good results on the impact of social media on digital literacy (Arafah and Hasyim, 2022), digital marketing, and digital literacy (Suparno et al., 2023). However, there is a scarcity of research addressing the impact of digital marketing tools on marketing literacy.
Design/methodology/approach: This study relied on the descriptive analytical approach in collecting and analyzing data and arriving at the results. Earthlink Company was chosen as the site for implementing the research, and the research sample represented the company's customers and users of its services. The questionnaire was used as a tool for collecting data, and the number of respondents reached 159 individuals.
Findings: there is an impact and a correlation between digital marketing and Marketing literacy, as the use of digital marketing tools helps improve the level of awareness among consumers. This research recommends the company increase its reliance on digital marketing tools to market its services and recognizes the necessity of relying on online marketing to provide sufficient information about products, services, and payment methods to consumers.
Research, Practical & Social implications: We suggest a future research agenda and highlight the contributions made to digital marketing tools on marketing literacy.
Originality/value: Marketing literacy has not been tested previously in the Iraqi environment. Therefore, this research seeks to shed light on digital marketing tools and clarify them so that companies can benefit from these tools in marketing their activities across various digital platforms.
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