Agile Leadership and its Impact on Strategic Recovery
Agile Leadership, Strategic Recovery, and Ministry of CommunicationsAbstract
Purpose: The purpose of this study is to find out whether agile leadership is considered a critical factor in influencing the strategic recovery of leaders in the Iraqi Ministry of Communications or if there is another element that plays a vital role in promoting strategic recovery and what are the organization's steps in the field of study towards implementing agile leadership requirements? Does the organization take serious steps to implement the dimensions of strategic recovery in all its aspects? Is there an impact of agile leadership on strategic recovery in the organization?
Theoretical framework: This study aimed to draw attention to how agile leadership influences strategic recovery as management ideas in the Iraqi Ministry of Communications. It also measured the effect of the independent variable (agile leadership) on the dependent variable (strategic recovery). It found out whether the researched organization could achieve strategic recovery by adopting agile leadership.
Design/methodology/approach: The researchers used the descriptive analytical method, tabulating and analyzing the data using a ready-made program (SPSS). The researchers chose the Iraqi Ministry of Communications/Ministry Center to represent the Study Community. The questionnaire was distributed to the ministry, including 120 directors, making the total number of questionnaires distributed 120. One hundred twelve questionnaires were retrieved, while only five were excluded, making the final sample 107 managers. Statistical methods such as Cronbach's alpha, standard deviation, simple linear regression, and coefficient of determination (R2) were used to reach the study's conclusions.
Findings: Results Through an analysis, agile leadership, and its dimensions influenced the organization's strategic recovery.
Research, practical and social implications: Emphasizing the need for government agencies, especially the Ministry of Communications, to ensure the need to pay attention to research variables, agile leadership, and strategic recovery in the research service.
Originality/value: The results indicate that the number of publications is growing, and the management and business areas contribute the most. The countries that produce in co-authorship also provide the most publications.
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